Tenant & Housing Information

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Covid-19 Information

Covid-19 Waiver of Landlord Liability

  • If you have already signed a lease, you cannot be required to sign a Covid-19 waiver by your landlord. There is a lack of monetary consideration for such a waiver.
  • In Illinois, residential landlords cannot require you to waive their negligence which may include possible actions regarding the spread of covid-19.
  • Contact Student Legal Service if you have questions.

Covid-19 Addendum

  • Before you sign your next lease, consider trying to add a Covid-19 Addendum (pdf) to your lease.
  • If the university moves to online-only instruction in the future due to Covid-19, some students would want to break their leases legally.
  • Please note, your landlord is not required to sign this addendum (pdf) and may choose not to do so.

Housing Guide

Leases and COVID-19 (pdf)

Navigating Subleasing Webinar graphic

Navigating Subleasing Webinar

Get subleasing tips and information.

Watch the Webinar

Section I. Before You Move In

The steps renters should take prior to signing a lease and moving into a rental unit.

We believe that the vast majority of problems tenants have while living in a unit and upon move out can be avoided by being wise consumers before signing with any landlord.

Section I (pdf)

Section II. After You Move In

The issues which commonly face student tenants such as privacy, subletting, and noisy neighbors.

Section II (pdf)

Section III. After You Move Out

The never ending battle over landlord abuse of tenant damage deposits.

We strongly encourage you to fill out a check-in form and a check-out form retaining a copy of each as your best protection against your landlord keeping your security deposit.

Section III (pdf)
