2013 Your First College Year Survey

Main Content

Published May 2014

Primary Reason for Choosing to Attend Illinois

  • 62.9% – Good Academic Reputation
  • 14.8% – Grads Obtain Good Jobs
  • 2.5% – Grads Go to Top Grad Schools
  • 1.9% – Good Reputation for Social Activities
  • 17.9% – Various National Rankings of Colleges & Universities
Infographic showing Primary Reason for Choosing to Attend Illinois

Likelihood of Choosing Same University if Given Chance to Choose Again

  • 49.4% – Definitely Yes
  • 31.8% – Probably Yes
  • 9.4% – Probably Not
  • 3.3% – Definitely Not
  • 6.1% – Not Sure Yet
Infographic showing Likelihood of Choosing Same University if Given Chance to Choose Again

Overall Satisfaction with the University

  • 25.9% – Very Satisfied
  • 48.8% – Satisfied
  • 16.8% – Neutral
  • 6.1% – Dissatisfied
  • 2.4% – Very Dissatisfied
Infographic showing Overall Satisfaction with the University

Satisfaction with Various Aspects of College Life at Illinois

Student Housing Facilities

  • 14.2% – Very Satisfied
  • 41.8% – Satisfied
  • 24.8% – Neutral
  • 11.9% – Dissatisfied
  • 7.2% – Very Dissatisfied

Student Health Services

  • 18.1% – Very Satisfied
  • 42% – Satisfied
  • 29% – Neutral
  • 9.8% – Dissatisfied
  • 1.1% – Very Dissatisfied

Student Psychological Services

  • 6.5% – Very Satisfied
  • 29.7% – Satisfied
  • 55.1% – Neutral
  • 5.1% – Dissatisfied
  • 3.6% – Very Dissatisfied

New Student Orientation

  • 12.4% – Very Satisfied
  • 44.3% – Satisfied
  • 31.5% – Neutral
  • 9.9% – Dissatisfied
  • 1.9% – Very Dissatisfied

Community Service Opportunities

  • 17% – Very Satisfied
  • 40% – Satisfied
  • 35.2% – Neutral
  • 6.3% – Dissatisfied
  • 1.5% – Very Dissatisfied
Graphs showing Satisfaction with Various Aspects of College Life at Illinois

Experiences with Students from a Racial/Ethnic Group Other Than Their Own

Had Discussions About Race/Ethnic Relations Outside of Class

  • 20.3% – Very Often
  • 17.6% – Often
  • 25.8% – Sometimes
  • 21.8% – Seldom
  • 14.5% – Never

Socialized or Partied

  • 26.7% – Very Often
  • 26.1% – Often
  • 27.3% – Sometimes
  • 11.2% – Seldom
  • 8.8% – Never

Dined or Shared a Meal

  • 35.2% – Very Often
  • 21.8% – Often
  • 22.1% – Sometimes
  • 14.5% – Seldom
  • 6.4% – Never
Graphs showing Experiences with Students from a Racial/Ethnic Group Other Than Their Own

Time Spent on Various Activities During a Typical Week

Socialize with Friends

  • 8.2% – Over 20 Hours
  • 10.6% – 16-20 Hours
  • 15.2% – 11-15 Hours
  • 30.3% – 6-10 Hours
  • 24.8% – 3-5 Hours
  • 8.8% – 1-2 Hours
  • 1.2% – Less Than 1 Hour
  • 0.9% – None

Exercise or Sports

  • 1.8% – Over 20 Hours
  • 1.5% – 16-20 Hours
  • 5.8% – 11-15 Hours
  • 16.4% – 6-10 Hours
  • 31.2% – 3-5 Hours
  • 23% – 1-2 Hours
  • 10.9% – Less Than 1 Hour
  • 9.4% – None

Student Clubs and Groups

  • 1.2% – Over 20 Hours
  • 2.1% – 16-20 Hours
  • 4.5% – 11-15 Hours
  • 13% – 6-10 Hours
  • 23% – 3-5 Hours
  • 25.8% – 1-2 Hours
  • 8.8% – Less Than 1 Hour
  • 21.5% – None

Watch TV

  • 2.4% – Over 20 Hours
  • 1.8% – 16-20 Hours
  • 3.6% – 11-15 Hours
  • 10.9% – 6-10 Hours
  • 19.1% – 3-5 Hours
  • 22.4% – 1-2 Hours
  • 19.1% – Less Than 1 Hour
  • 20.6% – None

Online Social Networks

  • 5.2% – Over 20 Hours
  • 3.9% – 16-20 Hours
  • 6.7% – 11-15 Hours
  • 24.5% – 6-10 Hours
  • 31.8% – 3-5 Hours
  • 17.9% – 1-2 Hours
  • 8.5% – Less Than 1 Hour
  • 1.5% – None
Graphs showing Student Time Spent on Various Activities During a Typical Week